After reviewing my spending record and budget summaries, I realized that I was not at all sticking to my budget.
I was just making sure that I didn't spend more than I made.
But there were months were I'd spent ALL my flex money in one category (usually eating out or clothes & accessories). When I didn't spend more than I earned it was because I saved in other categories or got some unexpected income or gifts.
You know what they say, "God looks after babies and fools." I ain't a baby, so... LOL!
To reign this in I am going to try withdrawing my flex money at the start of each month. Once the cash is gone, I can't spend any more money.
This should all but guarantee that I don't go overboard each month. Reviewing last year's budget summaries, I never went over what I earned because of unforeseen bills. It was always discretionary spending.
Tomorrow: #4 -- Automate big trip savings.
I used to use the ATM as a $20 machine (very convienient as it was a drive up). Now I get cash once a week and that is it. Makes a BIG difference. Last weekend while running errands (and spending too much, I realized I had made arrangements to have lunch with a friend the following week. I stopped spending and went home. The cash only system has been the best thing in my "get out of debt system".
Posted by: susan | May 02, 2007 at 09:28 PM
Oops forgot! Dept free except mortgage! Yes!
Good luck to you. It can be done with a workable budget.
Posted by: susan | May 02, 2007 at 09:31 PM
Cash is always better, it keeps you in check !
Credit cards gives you permission to live above your means. Therefore, I do not live my life around a credit card
Posted by: Moneymonk | May 03, 2007 at 11:39 AM