To me, it has nothing to do with my own money.
It has everything to do with other people's money and watching their mindsets about spending, saving and delaying gratification change.
And knowing that I had a small part in that...
My best friend (buddies since we were kids) treated me to lunch before I flew back from my NYC trip. Once upon a time, we used to talk on the phone about our scary debt situations and what on earth we were going to do.
Now my friend is a super diva in her industry and making BANK baby!
And what did she do with it?
Got out of debt, for one thing, and then saved up six months worth of living expenses. Now she's working on saving for her condo (um, can I crash on the floor?!). AND she's helping put away money for her nieces' and nephew's future college educations.
My brother, who I blogged about before and is wonderful and soon to get his M.A. with honors, told me how he is much more careful with his money and building his budget. He only buys generic and store brand items to cut those pennies and cents wherever possible. But, some of his coworkers, scoff at his frugality saying they have to have the name brand whatever it is.
He scoffed himself. "So, you live in your mother's one-room basement with shelves lined with name brand items?" he said. "Ok, I'll live with the store brand and the fake brands until I can buy my own place then I'll get the name brands. I'm trying to make something happen. You can go ahead and keep buying name brands in the basement."
It's rubbing off! And I am so exited.
Never mind that my own situation isn't so pristine right now... I'll get to that eventually in a post... I'm procrastinating on that...
I love it that people who struggled along with me are getting it and doing it better.
I have friends who tell me about their little money saving ventures and how they hope it makes the blog. I'm glad that they're even thinking about it like that!
Anyway, it's gratifying to see people look at their finances differently, not despairing, but getting to work, even if it's no fun for a while (or for a LONG TIME).
So what gets you jazzed about PF blogging?
Great post. I agree that helping people has to be way up there. I would add dispelling myths about money and discouraging bad investments.
Posted by: Cents You Asked | April 18, 2007 at 09:50 PM
My favorite thing about being a pfblogger is that it keeps me honest as I muddle through, highlights places I just didn't want to look, and I learn, learn, learn about money-related things I knew nothing about previously. I am doing so much better now with blog then I was without blog.
Posted by: 3 Things About Money | April 19, 2007 at 06:50 AM
Count me in! I had one user leave a comment saying I saved him $10. Best feeling ever.
Posted by: KMull | April 19, 2007 at 10:32 AM
What I dig the most is accountability and the community. I'm relatively new to the pf-blogging ideal but it's great to see and hear so many great ideas and advice.
Plus, it's a great way to express and idea and be validated or corrected before you make a mistake.
Posted by: zen | April 20, 2007 at 09:47 AM